NSD’s trade repository messages specifications

Current specification

Сообщения репозитария

NSD repository messages

Participants communicate to each other by sending messages through several electronic systems. This messages exchange process follows a set of rules. The set of messages is given in the table below. A direction - incoming/outgoing - must be treated from point of view of a party.

The main message and is being used in several ways:
  • Sending a form of a trade or a master agreement to the repository for initial registration.
  • Sending corrections to a previously sent message to the repsitory
  • Sending an amendment to a trade for registration in the repository
  • Sending a request for confirmation to a counterparty by the repository.
nonpublicExecutionReportRetractedOutgoingMessage is used to cancel previously sent (and not yet registered) message.
This message can be:
  • sent by the repository to a party as a notification about error, which were found during processing of his message.
  • sent by a party to the repository to notify on disagreement with parameters, which party recieved from repository for confirmation.
  • The repository sends this message to parties to notify on successful registration.
  • A party sends this message to the repository to confim parameters, recieved for confirmation.
eventStatusResponseIncoming The repository sends this message to a party to notify about message processing status.
pendingMessagesReportIncoming The repository sends this message to a party to notify about messages, which are still being processed.
reportDifferenceIncoming The repository sends this message to a party to notify about differences in trade forms found during matching process.
statementRequestOutgoing A party sends this message to the repository to request a statement.
statementReportIncoming A statement report, which the repository sends to a party.