NSD’s trade repository messages specifications

Current specification

Information provider

AssocBanksSingaporeFPMLThe Association of Banks in Singapore.
BankOfCanadaFPMLThe Bank of Canada.
BankOfEnglandFPMLThe Bank Of England.
BankOfJapanFPMLThe Bank of Japan.
BloombergFPMLBloomberg L.P.
EMTAFPMLThe Emerging Markets Traders Association.
EuroCentralBankFPMLThe European Central Bank.
FederalReserveFPMLThe Federal Reserve System.
FHLBSFFPMLThe Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco.
ISDAFPMLThe International Swaps and Derivatives Association.
ReserveBankAustraliaFPMLThe Reserve Bank of Australia.
ReserveBankNewZealandFPMLThe Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
ReutersFPMLThomson Reuters.
SAFEXFPMLThe South African Futures Exchange.
TelerateFPMLNot used (deprecated).
MOEXNSDMoscow exchange
CBRNSDThe Central Bank of the Russian Federation