AFB | FpML | AFB Master Agreement for Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Transactions. |
Bespoke | FpML | A bespoke (custom) Master Agreement. |
CMA | FpML | Clearing Master Agreement. |
CMOF | FpML | Contrato Marco de Operaciones Financieras. |
EEIPower | FpML | EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement. |
EFETElectricity | FpML | EFET General Agreement Concerning the Delivery and Acceptance of Electricity. |
EFETGas | FpML | EFET General Agreement Concerning The Delivery And Acceptance of Natural Gas. |
EMA | FpML | European Master Agreement and the Derivatives Annex (Banking Federation of the European Union). |
FBF | FpML | Master Agreement Relating to transactions on Forward Financial Instruments (Federation Bancaire Francaise). |
GasEDI | FpML | GasEDI Base Contract for Short-term Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas. |
German | FpML | German Master Agreement for Financial derivatives and Addendum for Options on Stock Exchange Indices or Securities. |
GMRA | NSD | Not used (deprecated). |
GMRA | FpML | ICMA Global Master Agreement for REPO Trades. |
GMSLA | NSD | Not used (deprecated). |
GMSLA | FpML | ISLA Global Master Agreement for Securities Lending. |
GTMA | FpML | FOA Grid Trade Master Agreement. |
ICEClearEurope | FpML | Not used (deprecated). |
ICETrustUS | FpML | Not used (deprecated). |
ICOM | FpML | International Currency Options Market Master Agreement. |
IETA-ERPA | FpML | International Emissions Trading Association Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement. |
IETA-ETMA | FpML | International Emissions Trading Association Emissions Trading Master Agreement. |
IETA-IETMA | FpML | International Emissions Trading Association International Emissions Trading Master Agreement. |
IFEMA | FpML | International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement. |
IFEOMA | FpML | International Foreign Exchange and Options Master Agreement. |
ISDA | FpML | ISDA Master Agreement. |
JSCC | FpML | Master agreement of Japan Securities Clearing Corporation. |
LBMA | FpML | International Bullion Master Agreement Terms published by the London Bullion Market Association. |
LEAP | FpML | Leadership in Energy Automated Processing. |
MCPSA | FpML | CTA Master Coal Purchase and Sales Agreement. |
NAESBGas | FpML | NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas. |
NBP | FpML | Short Term Flat NBP Trading Terms and Conditions. |
Other | NSD | The standard documentation not included in this list. |
RusDeriv | NSD | Not used (deprecated). |
RusRepo | NSD | Master Agreement and Contractual Terms for Repurchase Agreements on the Russian Financial Market Not used (deprecated) |
RussianDerivatives | FpML | Standard Documentation for Derivative Transactions on the Russian Financial Markets. |
RussianRepo | FpML | Master Agreement and Contractual Terms for Repurchase Agreements on the Russian Financial Market. |
SCoTA | FpML | GlobalCOAL Standard Coal Trading Agreement. |
Swiss | FpML | Swiss Master Agreement for OTC Derivatives Instruments. |
TTF | FpML | TTF Hub Natural Gas Trading Terms and Conditions. |